Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti has declared that it is necessary that all churches be destroyed in “the region”, this answer followed a question about Islamic law regulations as to the construction and upkeep of non-Islamic places of worship, which is basically not existing since Islam does not tolerate other religions or opinions, however is willing to temporary live alongside them if there is no other option.
Pay special attention, this is no small time religion cleric that is saying these words, this is the highest religious authority in the Saudi Arbia – the country which is the holy seat for believing sunni believers, this is as close as you can get to the pope.
And the differences are clear, while the pope goes around the world trying to pass an overall massage of peace and tolerance this mufti is much more interested in the full and complete exclusive establishment of Islam at its original “region”, which means a lot of other countries, even more so because Saudi Arabi does not have any churches since they are forbidden by law – yes – it is against the law to worship Jesus in a church in this part of the world.