Anyone reading the title would expect a clash, two sides who are upset and on the edge of eruption, a “tension has been high” kind of feeling on the streets. But no – you are reading this the wrong way, what this actually means is “Muslims in France are Increasing their anti Jewish Activities”, that is actually what the title means.
It seems that France (and Belgium) Muslim communities have stepped up their active and physical level of violence towards the Jewish population of those countries, one would expect just the opposite to happen as Muslims are now widely blamed for the massacre that took place in Toulouse a week ago, but as it happens this religion does not follow normal and decent rules.
So “Emotions have been raw in France” means that Muslims are now, somehow, even more aggravated than before by the mere existence of Jews in France and Belgium, even though the Jewish communities have been there hundreds of years before the waves of Muslim immigration to the continent. Jews have been hit with emotions, however these are more of fear and terror, and the response to those fears is simply to take cover and hope for the best. Muslims however, awaken to frenzy activity by the slaughter of 7 years old girl, and two younger boys, somehow take offense at the Jews, and now physically go after them.
Since this is clearly a war of religions, with all perpetrators being Islam’s followers and all victims clearly identified as Jewish, held on a predominantly Christian ground one would look up to the religious majority opinion – namely the Christian church response to these attacks, and the Vatican did express outrage over the Toulouse killings, and we can all but wait and see what the future holds – since Muslims are not only committed to killing Jews but other types of infidels as well.

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