Yesterday marked the anniversary of the Normandy landing, in which the biggest ever invasion was put in place to liberate Europe from the grip of a Nazi war machine, a half dazed nation who had decided that it had by divine right ownership of land and peoples for its own benefit. Today many seem to connect the Nazis with only one thing – the Jews, and most who do it have little idea to what the Nazis really were about, and haters of Jews was a very small part of the ideology.
The Nazis practically enslaved peoples, from what they perceived as low ranking human beings (slavs mainly) to more “advanced” people like the French they had a plan for every nation, depleting the north of cows and meat products, the south of vegetables and dairy products, and the east of men – simply killing by the tens of thousands (Polish nationals for example) or exporting them to work in Germany.
Belgium has been a key player in the first world war, it was the subject of German courtship for a while and after it put on the initial fight was still considered a “friendly” country that would let the German army pass on its way to France. No so, the proud king Albert and his people knew and remembered well what they fought for – freedom. They knew that any foreign country would use them, abuse them, kill them and enslave them – and they choose to fight.
Now Belgium is fighting an altogether different fight, against different people, who took a different route of using the country and its resources for its own good. Belgium is fighting Islam. The Islamists of Belgium are among the noisiest and most aggressive of all, even though they can not claim ownership of the land, as their Islamic friends in Spain do (because of the Moors conquests in that part of Europe) they feel that the country is already theirs – it is only a question of time when it will finally and officially fall.
To these fans of stone age traditions its comes a shock to discover that some far right politicians in Belgium offer a cash reward for any sighting of a burka, the item of clothing that practically locks a female subject in her own world, without a face of external feature to mark her or suggest what and who she is, has been banned in Belgium, and in the recent few days had caused a mini storm of passionate arguments over the arrest of a woman wearing a burka in Brussels.
This is one of the proudest moment of Europe, because some people in Belgium are saying, clear and clean, that Islam is not going to pass, the BelgianĀ are ready for yet another fight, this time with an enemy that lives amongst its people.