Europe still supports the freedom of speech and expression, the Netherlands has freed Geert Wilders and cleared his name. Well done Holland.
Here is the full news item, from “The Telegraph”
Humanity in Progress
Europe still supports the freedom of speech and expression, the Netherlands has freed Geert Wilders and cleared his name. Well done Holland.
Here is the full news item, from “The Telegraph”
Here is one bitter-sweet candy for the liberals among us, super designer John Galliano’s trail opened today, because this man (who I’m not sure is gay however looks like he tries to look like a stereotyped gay man) had cause to express his hatred of the Jewish people in his favorite Paris cafe, “I love Hitler” and “People like you would be dead today. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be gassed” is seemingly what he said (again not sure if the trail is about the question if he did say this or why he did).
Now I kind of happen to remember that among the Jews and the political opposition of the Nazis there were some men who had the fashion statement of having a pink star on their clothes marked as gay, killed and toutrured under the same person that John here loves so much. So if he would have been living at the time he could have been standing alongside Jews while they were marched to be massacred and screamed with joy, only to have to stop because of the Nazi gaurd pushing him towards his own shower chamber to be gassed.
But this is not the first gay who hates Jews, probably not the last, there was a whole group of them demonstrating against Israel a couple of weeks ago, yes, the only country in the mid east that will allow people with non traditional sexual preferences is actually an insult to gays, they feel the world would be better off without it, shame for those Palestinian gays who ran for fear of murder from their families to Israel to live as free men.
The NY Times does a better job going over the disgusting details of this thing, read about it here
This story comes from the troubled land of Israel, the Israelis have gone through many wars to keep Arab armies from invading and (in their own words) massacring the entire Jewish community of this country. So far this country has been successful at beating the outside forces every single time, however this comes at a dear cost, and there are many families that have no father, brother, uncle, sister and mother as a result of these wars and acts of terrorism.
As it turns out there are not so many Orthodox Jews in Israel, they make up less than 10% of the total population, most of the country is made of secular Jews who define themselves as non-religious or traditional (they will keep the holidays but not the Saturday for example). The Orthodox Jews have some political power as they are the balance of power between the right and left sides of the political map, and they try and get away with as much as possible with that small advantage.
So they got this uniform wording for remembrance ceremonies for the fallen soldiers that mentions god in the opening statement, instead of what was before just “The people of Israel” has now moved on to god. Naturally many people, especially ones who have lost one dear to them, are upset over this. Add to this the fact that many of the Orthodox Jews do not join the army (and are free to do so) because they need to pray for the country (or so they say, who knows what they pray for) and you got an explosive mix, the non soldiers force the families of dead soldiers to pray to their god.
So far 50,000 Israelis signed a partition to have the original text restored and get god out of this deal, if he placed the Jews in a see of hostile Arab nations that want nothing but to kill Jews (for the sake of God of course) and if he made all these wars for his believers to cut away at each other, there is probably no way he would not remember that – he does not need humans reminding him.
In yet another delusional news item about how religious people get deeply offended by other people, Russell Crowe, who usually keeps to acting (pretty well I think) and going a little too physical on some people sometimes had a thought out on Twitter, he said that to him the tradition of circumcision is a barbaric act that he hopes will not stay in this modern world.
And the craziness followed, because one man who speaks his mind, about something that should be perfectly clear to anyone, is not acceptable. He eventually apologized and this came to an end.
It will be surprising to some of you that in Israel, land of the Jews, where most men are circumcised, many think that Russell Crowe is right and that this is one tradition everyone will be better off without. Many of Israels Jews prefer to have the procedure in a hospital done by a doctor and not a religious person, not in a house and not followed by lavish lunch. This is the first sign that the Jewish community itself started having doubts about this brutal tradition.
This is mainly a question of habit, not real belief, and most secular Jews do not buy into this any more, the reason is clear, there is no god and if there was one it would really be better off asking people to sacrifice parts of their week old sons, not to mention he could have done something to help this poor nation in the last 2,000 years.
So, Mr. Crowe touched a nerve there, and instead of honest people picking it up and doing something good with a bit of realism they force the actor to explain how he did not mean what he meant, and ruin a perfectly good moment to start a change.
In direct connection to the post from 2 days ago about how Islam counties of the Ottoman empire squeezed the young U.S. for protection money we will expand a little about this crazy little thing called the “Jizya” in Islam.
Demanding tribute from defeated opponents or rivals, from lands taken by force or by diplomacy, is an old and ancient world custom, just for adjusting a time line here – the Romans did that, and they did not invent it, so this is something that has been around for about 2,500-3,000 years now and is well based in the ancient history of our race.
So it is only normal that at a certain time this tribute charging got the side of the world that had Muslims, or future muslims and that it was the norm to go this direction once victory has been achieved.
Now check your calendar, yes, its 2,011. Western societies have done away with this warlike tradition a long time ago, however Islam is still in this state of mind, and the reason is clear – it is in the holy book, it is in the explicit writings and teachings of this religion, this is something that can not be challenged or changed, because the ones who follow it believe that it was God or its main man words, and this is the only thing saving Islam from harsher criticism here, because it is logical to assume that after 1,400 years and everyone around you changing you will change too, but it did not happen. Not yet anyway.
So next time someone tells you that Islam is peaceful, ask them how it treats non believers and followers of other religions and try to remember this one word “Jizya” because it is the easiest way of making this religion of peace argument a horrible idiotic non-sense.