The French magazine “Charlie Hebdo” is at it once again, its people told the press yesterday that they plan to take out the weekly edition with caricatures of the prophet Mohammed and go another round with the local French muslims, who by the way burned the offices of Charlie Hebdo last time the magazine published offensive content.
This could be the solution to the everlasting hurtful feelings of some Muslims, simply getting them used to the sort of creative critic the rest of the world enjoys for a hundred years now, maybe it is their persistent exclusion from this sort of films/magazines/novels that creates this violent insane response across so many Islamic countries.
In any case it is remarkable that more and more people are joining in on the fight for free speech and opinion, and the right to state your mind, no matter how “offensive” someone finds it, people can easily learn to live with opinions that they do not like, even hate. This is turning to be an expansive month,first we needed to back Tom Holland’s documentary on Islam‘s origins by buying his books, now we need to head to the newsstand to buy a new copy of Charlie Hebdo