In yet another delusional news item about how religious people get deeply offended by other people, Russell Crowe, who usually keeps to acting (pretty well I think) and going a little too physical on some people sometimes had a thought out on Twitter, he said that to him the tradition of circumcision is a barbaric act that he hopes will not stay in this modern world.
And the craziness followed, because one man who speaks his mind, about something that should be perfectly clear to anyone, is not acceptable. He eventually apologized and this came to an end.
It will be surprising to some of you that in Israel, land of the Jews, where most men are circumcised, many think that Russell Crowe is right and that this is one tradition everyone will be better off without. Many of Israels Jews prefer to have the procedure in a hospital done by a doctor and not a religious person, not in a house and not followed by lavish lunch. This is the first sign that the Jewish community itself started having doubts about this brutal tradition.
This is mainly a question of habit, not real belief, and most secular Jews do not buy into this any more, the reason is clear, there is no god and if there was one it would really be better off asking people to sacrifice parts of their week old sons, not to mention he could have done something to help this poor nation in the last 2,000 years.
So, Mr. Crowe touched a nerve there, and instead of honest people picking it up and doing something good with a bit of realism they force the actor to explain how he did not mean what he meant, and ruin a perfectly good moment to start a change.