In direct connection to the post from 2 days ago about how Islam counties of the Ottoman empire squeezed the young U.S. for protection money we will expand a little about this crazy little thing called the “Jizya” in Islam.
Demanding tribute from defeated opponents or rivals, from lands taken by force or by diplomacy, is an old and ancient world custom, just for adjusting a time line here – the Romans did that, and they did not invent it, so this is something that has been around for about 2,500-3,000 years now and is well based in the ancient history of our race.
So it is only normal that at a certain time this tribute charging got the side of the world that had Muslims, or future muslims and that it was the norm to go this direction once victory has been achieved.
Now check your calendar, yes, its 2,011. Western societies have done away with this warlike tradition a long time ago, however Islam is still in this state of mind, and the reason is clear – it is in the holy book, it is in the explicit writings and teachings of this religion, this is something that can not be challenged or changed, because the ones who follow it believe that it was God or its main man words, and this is the only thing saving Islam from harsher criticism here, because it is logical to assume that after 1,400 years and everyone around you changing you will change too, but it did not happen. Not yet anyway.
So next time someone tells you that Islam is peaceful, ask them how it treats non believers and followers of other religions and try to remember this one word “Jizya” because it is the easiest way of making this religion of peace argument a horrible idiotic non-sense.

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