This next story comes to us from Germany, where 400 years after the church led a psychopathic witch hunt into the main activity of the local peoples for a decade or so it is now moving to clear those who were burnt alive of any charges of “playing with Satan”.
All of this could sound amusing, even descent thing to do, after all most of humanity understood that there are no real witches and no one is actually making a packet with the devil since the devil does not exist, and that most of the people accused and set on fire for being the followers of the fallen angle Satan were actually loners moving through areas they did not know and had the very bad luck of getting into the wrong place at the wrong time.
So Katharina Henot who managed the post office of the city of Colon, Germany at the year 1627 was accused of having some soft of partnership with the devil and promptly set on fire to the delight of the local council and the church, now the assumption is that she was put through this because someone wanted her position in the post office, how easy it had been in those days to clear attractive jobs!, just walk up to your local priest and tell them you saw the lone woman singing while she was walking in a field and here she is sining a song for Satan, as she picks herbs to prepare yet another plague making soup.
The annoying thing here is that on the news item you can read that – ”
Hartmut Hegeler, an evangelical priest and religious education teacher who made the request for the trial to be reheard, said: ‘Katharina held her own reputation in high esteem, she would want to have it cleared.
‘As Christians, we find it challenging when innocent people are executed, even If it was centuries ago.'”
Oh really? “as Christians”? it is not surprising that the church who is suppressing its dark history would re-write it as the champion of the burned alive, well, not too fast, since some of us here still remember that driving force behind all this – the Christian Church.