In an interesting twist of events, it looks like the Mullah who found the burned papers of the Koran in the 11 year old garbage bag – and called for her to be sentenced accordingly to the Pakistani law (which basically means she will be executed) might have planted those burned pages in the first place. This is an update on the Pakistan blasphemy case against a 11 year old Christian girl.
[sigh of relief]
Really? this is what we have gotten ourselves used to? We are so programmed to think that we need to respect the laws of a different country or culture that we follow them so tightly we need to hope that the victim would be found not guilty?, and guilty of what – if we might ask?.
Lets remember the charges here, an 11 year old Christian girl, who might be mentally challenged, had burned papers taken from the Koran in a garbage bag she was about to dump. How on earth would anyone expect this to be answered by a penalty of death?. How is the throwing away of a few papers concludes in death – or the threat of one? and why should we except it?
What is even worst is what is now discovered can shed a light on the state of mind of the Pakistani Mullahs, what we know as the medieval persecution of others for the sake of establishing a stronger religious hold on the population has reemerged in the present day, 2012, Pakistan. With Mullahs allegedly orchestrating “offenses” such as walking around with burned papers to remind the population that any diversion from the exact local version of Islam will end in death.
Pakistan seems to have gotten itself to a new low.