There is a risk that this whole thing is actually diplomacy, however if it sounds like war, looks like war and smells lie war, it’s probably war.
The prime minister of Turkey had his day in the sun today, his glory moment finally arrived when he went all out against his country’s old ally and friend Israel in front of the Arab League members, who are not to difficult to convince that this country is a problem.
Arriving at the very edge of war statements, Erdogan has promised acts of punishment and declared his nations anger with Israeli behavior, calling the flotilla event (which happened 15 months ago) “a cause for war” and sending his navy to park in front of Israel’s shores.
Now it looks like there is nothing more to do than sit and watch, unless someone wakes up and stops this madness. Erdogan makes it clear that he has now abandoned his enthusiasm for fighting for the Syrian people, his next door neighbors who are slaughtered for the past 7 months, and that he does not have enough with carpet bombing the Kurdish in the north of the country, he understands that his path to Arab glory passes through the armed confrontation with Israel.