Here is one bitter-sweet candy for the liberals among us, super designer John Galliano’s trail opened today, because this man (who I’m not sure is gay however looks like he tries to look like a stereotyped gay man) had cause to express his hatred of the Jewish people in his favorite Paris cafe, “I love Hitler” and “People like you would be dead today. Your mothers, your forefathers, would all be gassed” is seemingly what he said (again not sure if the trail is about the question if he did say this or why he did).
Now I kind of happen to remember that among the Jews and the political opposition of the Nazis there were some men who had the fashion statement of having a pink star on their clothes marked as gay, killed and toutrured under the same person that John here loves so much. So if he would have been living at the time he could have been standing alongside Jews while they were marched to be massacred and screamed with joy, only to have to stop because of the Nazi gaurd pushing him towards his own shower chamber to be gassed.
But this is not the first gay who hates Jews, probably not the last, there was a whole group of them demonstrating against Israel a couple of weeks ago, yes, the only country in the mid east that will allow people with non traditional sexual preferences is actually an insult to gays, they feel the world would be better off without it, shame for those Palestinian gays who ran for fear of murder from their families to Israel to live as free men.

The NY Times does a better job going over the disgusting details of this thing, read about it here