In the last few weeks it has become clear that this world, with all its nations and peoples, is carefully stopping human progress and starting to fall back, with a clear purpose and conscience the leaders of this world do not believe in pushing the envelop, they prefer to deal with the banal and insane instead.
And so, our last superpower, the last nation on earth that could say it has done for humanity and for human progress more than any other in the recent decades, is now shutting down its NASA space program, its universities are seeking – and receiving funding by the millions from oil rich countries in the middle east so they will, at least at pretense, seem to be joining hands in a pro Islam and anti Israel campaign, and that can not solve its increasingly worrying economic problems with substantial resolve.
Our main economic superpower (China) can say nothing about contribution to human progress (maybe some effort for the Olympics can count), and any past contribution is made to look ridiculous by the middle ages approach to human rights and human decency, a country that is an economic giant but has millions working in semi slavery conditions, with poor health systems and an increasing ruthlessness towards any criticism, political or artistically.
A world in which a former superpower (Russia) is putting in all its weight to block a UN move against a country that is now, as these lines are being written, executing dozens of its citizens, where rivers run red from the hundreds of bodies that are filling it, and where tanks and artillery are used against unarmed population in order to have them submit to the rule of the current power.
Instead of reaching out to space, understanding our role in this universe and studying more about the origins of life the USA is now focusing on how to defend itself from enemies who believe that their god wants them to slaughter anyone who does not believe in him/her/it, instead of China getting on with human progress and respect for its citizens it is contemplating the situation of a nuclear Asia, and the terror of Chineese muslims in Xinjiang, and Russia, who has become the new ultra capitalist player in the world is more worried about the payments from Iran for the nuclear installations than the huge gap between rich and poor.
This is the world we all live in, only now it is moving backwards instead of forward, and no one even tries to hide it.