Ten years ago, after the 9/11 attacks, many of the world leaders went out of their way to explain to their people that the actions did not reflect the religion of Islam and everything it stands for, like many obedient citizens around the world I too listened and nodded as they talked about “the religion of peace”, as if out of the three monotheistic religions Islam was the most peaceful one.
If it was not religion what was it? was it something personal all these hijackers had against the city of New York and Washington? of course not. Was it something racial? probably not, ah, there is it – it was a misunderstanding of the holy books of Islam, so not really the religion but the interpretation of it by some religious extremists. I bought it, seems to make sense.
But even with this misunderstanding there must have been something that moved these people into action, and it seemed that the only things that could really do that would be the treatment of Muslim countries by the West and, of course, Israel. The Israeli Arab war and the fact that Israel was so close to the west in its identity and philosophy added a lot of fuel to this fire, with the American weapons support it only made it worst.
So all the pieces fell in together, it all made sense, some radical Islamist had some twisted idea of Islam and decided to punish the US for its arrogant behavior towards the Arab world and Israel. And that worked for a while, but then we started getting the footage from Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza and Saudi Arabia, it looked like a lot of people were real happy with this, it looked like thousands actually celebrated 9/11.
So it was not just a few deranged crazy guys, it was much more, it was a culture of anti American sentiments and hatred of the U.S., and only a few years later I finally got a satisfying answer.
This was not a new fight, it was not a new battle and it was not a new sort of feeling that grow in the hearts and minds of many Muslims around the world, in fact it was very old, older then the American nation, much older then the idea of Zionism, it had nothing to do with the U.S. and nothing to do with Israel, September 11th 1683 Islam was stopped at the gates of Vienna and Europe was saved from the Ottoman empire.
The terrorists singnaled a very clear message to us in the west, the war for world domination is up once again, it was stopped for 318 years, and on Septmber 11th, 2001 they have resumed their fight for the world Islamic caliphate. This is a war which is hundreds of years old, it will not end if Israel falls, and it will not end if the U.S. will fall, it will end when the whole world falls and we all submit to Islam, giving away democracy, free speech and many other of the great things the western civilization accomplished.

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