French president Sarkozy is in trouble, the far right party in France seems to have growing support which means that he could suffer a lose of votes in the next elections, while many French have some sympathy for the far right nationalistic call the chances that they will elect a president who is from the far right is very low. In simple words, if the far right will gain enough power to send its representative to the second round of elections (beating and eliminating Sarkozy in the process) even those who favored the far right will have second thoughts about sending that person to lead the country.
So Sarkozy does what seems to be the most logical thing, and that is everything he can to gain more right wing power and sympathy – which brings us to the issue of meat in schools and the public system. Muslims and Jews stamp their meat as “Kosher” or “Halal” which basically means that they slaughter the animal in a certain way, including a prayer to the almighty while they murder an animal for its flesh. There has been much debate in the West as to the question if this is moral or acceptable in modern times.
Sarkozy seems to think it is not acceptable, and by doing so he will try and ban the use of such meat in schools and public places, whichever way you look at this – if this does happen, it will be a great victory for reason and modernity on religious superstitious customs.
But there is opposition (of course), and this time its a funny thing to note both Jews and Muslims on the same side, and as always the fear is that believers will be introduced to a new, more advanced, way of thinking, something that could ultimately lead them to embrace enlightenment and leave the ancient chains of religion. It would be hypocrisy not to acknowledge the obvious, this whole thing is fueled by dislike to a large immigrant population in France and it is done to try and barricade the country to keep it from growing more Muslim in nature.
However , even if all of these are reasonable causes, you will never hear the French say them out loud, as long as they will be French they will keep their true thoughts to themselves.