This one is a case for the religious fanatics detective, because it involves so much religious traditions and behavior its almost painfully clear how much better everyone will be without this. It seems that once again someone had attacked a Muslim institue, however this time its a little “off”.
A cemetery in Jaffa, Israel was desecrated on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kipur, and had the same features as the latest attacks on Mosques in the north of Israel, however it is strange since the day of Yom Kipur is, for religious Jews, a day in which you do nothing but pray in the synagog, meaning that they do not do any physical activity, including driving, eating, getting together and writing anything (the act of writing is prohibited, go figure).
So who was it that desecrated the graves? and why?, we can safely assume it was not religious Jews, however we can not rule out nationalistic Muslim hating non-religious Jews, many of whom are identified with the Israeli-Russian political party of Liberman, however this gets a little more complicated, since some of the writings in the cemetery had “death to the Russians” on them.
In the meanwhile it looks like anyone who is anyone is the Israeli politics is out of their way to show how shocked and upset they are, a strange thing when you realize that grave desecration is something that has been going on a long time before Israel even established itself as a country. The old Jewish cemetery on the Olive Mount in Jerusalem is desecrated on a usually monthly basis, most of the times the vandals are from the Arab villages around the cemetery, and they have been doing it for generations.
The act of desecrating graves is so common in the Arab world (inflicted upon non Muslim graves) that you can find it in almost any Arab country that has non Muslim graves. In Israel many cemeteries are equipped with electronic surveillance systems and guards, its almost crazy that this country needs to spend resources protecting the dead.
The bottom line here? Someone wants to get a religious war going, it can be secular Jews, religious Muslims or anyone in the middle, your guess is as good as mine.