How lucky do you, the reader, consider yourself, using the internet and reading this blog post off a computer screen, hopefully reading in peace. The truth is that we in the West are pretty lucky, when compared to some parts of the world, there are a lot of places in state of war, chaos and trouble, but not many seem to be in the poor shape Egypt is turning out to be.
A mother and her seven children found themselves in the Egyptian prison for 15 years for (wait for it) converting back to Christianity, it seems that the mother was a Christian to begin with and converted to support her marriage to a Muslim man, when the husband passed away she wanted to go back to Christianity (just a thought… if it was so easy for her to drop Islam how did she not just drop out of religion altogether… one can not stop being atheist in this place) but when the authorities found out about it they simply did not accept that – converting to Christianity is not so simple in 2013 Egypt.
In fact converting to anything but Islam is not so simple in Egypt, it is just Islam, that is what this country is turning out to be in a worrying rate, a fundamentalist state with totalitarian aspirations, taking hostage the population of the country, their minds and hearts as they go – raping the entire population into a forced religious system. Orwell was never as close as now to a ministry of thoughts, where one needs to confess his or hers deepest beliefs and suffer for it.