From Paris to London and far away as Calgary in Canada, people are showing their anger at Israel for responding to a 1,400 rocket attack on its civilian population, because it is simply unacceptable for a country to defend its citizens, especially if it hurts civilians on the other side – even if those are forcibly placed as human shields by the militants they themselves choose as government.
One thing stands out in all of this, the reports in local media call this “anti Israel demonstrations”, because, hey, we live in a democracy and its all right to criticize another country. This is, in turn, becomes what it really is – a sticky old fashion jew hatred demonstration under the guise of a “anti Israel” protest.
To some, it seems, there is nothing better than to take your old Palestinian/Algerian/Turkish flag, grab a knife or pipe and go out to a Parisian street in summer to chant “death to the Jews”, while some of the locals keep asking you (politely enough) to replace “Jews” with “Israel”, because just murdering jews for being born Jews is, well, racist.
And, oh, by the way, 200 bodies have been found in Syria yesterday, and about 300 Syrians are barricaded and starving in a village, Mosul is being ethnically cleansed. But that does not disturb those peace loving, knife yielding European Arabs – they just out for Jewish blood.
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