A Pakistani man discovered that his mustache could cost him his life, when he was abducted and instructed to trim his facial hair because it is offensive or against the rules of Islam. One would think that the religious zealots of Pakistan have better things to do then run around a look for people with fancy facial hair.
This is nothing but a very vivid example of how one religion (in this case Islam) takes over any and every aspect of life, from getting up in the morning till going to bed at night and from choosing the clothes you wear to the choices one makes on grooming ones facial hair Islam is a totalitarian complete instruction set order book for life.
In the west many like to debate the different interpretations of religions, however in this case it is not as refine as that, one religious cleric decides that a long or bushy mustache is not allowed under Islam and others are quick to find and execute his orders on real people in the real world. This is exactly why so many people around the world object to the religion of Islam – because it is of totalitarian origins, and if kept as it is will forever be totalitarian.
I Find it extremely funny to read such quotations and posts. Seriously is that all you are trying to do against religions? I mean cmon. I am a pakistani and literally here the famous phrase is “A mustache is a man’s honor”. In your atheist countries more women are getting raped in the name of secularism, so mates? quoting out a simple incident and using it against religion is uber fail lolxx.
The failed logic is actually on your side.
First – the post is about Islamic zealots wanting to trim a mans mustache, because (it seems) that some Muslims believe that it is good to have beards but that mustaches should be cut short. The fact that a religion (any religion) puts such a strong emphasis on facial hair is a good example of how stupid religions are, and to treat one mans mustache as an offense so deep to Islam that he could face death for it – well, need I say more?
If in Pakistan mustache is so important it is even more compelling that this news item makes Islam looks ridiculous – if the grooming of facial hair is appreciated in your country how come you defend Islam and say that this story does not show the evil stupidity behind this religion?
In this case – Its either you’re with the Islam and against the mustache – or you’re with the mustache grooming and against Islam, we’re going with the mustache, and will not want anyone dead for his facial hair.
“Raped in the name of secularism”
What’s the reason for rape in your country then?
It is just a propaganda, mashtash cannot cost you your life. I have seen people in pakistan with these long mashtashes. Usually men in the military have mashtashes like this long.
In islam you can have a mushtash, no problem. However, they prefer having just beard only.
All of my uncles have mashtashes.
People who are not muslims want the muslim men to not have these types of mashtashes because they want them to “look like a muslim only”, not others.