It starts to look like a new habit, news coming from the post revolutionized Egypt are boarder line perverse and deviant in nature, not the first time, and it looks like far from the end of it.
Now that the evil and corrupt dictator Mubarack is out of the way Egypt has all kinds of ideas of how to move forward and provide its people with the extended freedoms and liberties that they desperately wanted for so long, under the crashing oppressive government of the former president. And it looks like they set the priorities right, by pushing forward laws to decrease the age of marriage (14 for girls) and also letting men (exclusively male perk) have sex with their dead wife – as long as she has been dead for no more than 6 hours (because 7 hours would just make it, like, disgusting?).
Coming from a culture that is so sensitive that it is willing to kill and be killed for the presence of cartoons around, it is pretty amazing to think that these people are simply fine with a men having sex with a corpse – and an 14 year old girl forced into marriage without the idea of what womanhood is – let alone adult life. But cartoons? this is really too much for them, and bloody riot against cartoons are widely accepted.
All of this, of course, is a conscious attempt at copying the holy teachings of Islam, or the ideas it presents in it, applying 1,400 desert rules to modern day life, and in the process making it look like this society is more pious than others in the region, to any normal person this looks insane, disgusting, appalling and primitive, but if you really believe that God wrote that book word to word, it might actually make sense.