The founders of the Egyptian Nazi party have come forward and did a television interview to explain who they are and what they want, it might sound a little simplistic to think that since they dubbed themselves a “Nazi” party that they would follow the general rule of Nazism that was established a long time ago in a land far, far away. However these guys say that they are not anti Jewish at all, they are also not support the idea that the Aryan race is Superior rather that it is the Egyptian race, and that the whole of the Arab race closely follows.
So not against Jews, but very much against the state of Israel (“because it puts in danger Arab ideology”), not Aryan but Arab supremacy and some blurred ideas about nationalism in that good old “hate the other” as much as possible way, however there is a twist to all of this nonsense, they are Muslim, and as Muslims it will be silly to reject a German born fair skinned blue eyed man since it is the wish of Islam to submit everyone to the law of that religion, so racism seems a little counter productive for this Nazi “light” party.
So the main motive in the rhetoric that you hear from them is mostly that they want to bring about the superiority of the Egyptian race, meaning it is not already there – but that there needs to be an effort to bring it to par with its Nazi idealism, meaning it is more of an aspiration to be a Egyptian Nazi, one that does not hate Jews at all and that has no racism but only religious segregation in mind.
Confused? me too. Oh well, maybe they are just a little shy of saying that they are pretty much like the original Nazis, only in their Egyptian-Arab formation.

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