Hehe, no, its just Jews he wants to kill (all of them, babies and old alike), and in any case its just a joke, a silly little joke, no need to get crazy over it. Right?
Well, its pretty racist to say you have no choice but to kill someone just because of them being born into a culture, country, religion or color of any kind, but since this is a joke it is just a racist joke.
If a Jewish actor or a stand up comedian (there are a few of those I think) would make a poor joke about punishing Dieudonné for his stupidity by raping each one of his five children, it would also be a stupid and racist joke, because these children did not choose this person as their father, they have no control over what he does and says, why pick on small kids? (if they are not Jewish, that is).
And many times there are people who are only part Jewish, lets say someone who had a Jewish Grandmother, should he be killed? maybe we should just cut off his limbs, or just one hand and half a leg. Or a Jewish baby that has been taken from his family, he will grow up not knowing he is Jewish, should he still be killed? or a Jewish 6 year old girl in Paris, should we stab her in the heart and cut her stomach open, take her heart out and burn her body in the street? hehe – just a joke.

(this guy is a French comedian, already heavily involved in far-right activity and has some racist issues in his past, he is controversial and very blunt, however in his last production he has probably demonstrated how blind hater of any other group can deform your intelligence and sense of humor)
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