Israel’s parliament has spent time and energy passing a law which is, amazingly enough, anti democratic and anti free speech, and all of this is because it seems that Israel’s prime minister and foreign minister are determined to show the world and their own voters that they will go to great lengths to protect the Jewish settlers in the occupied territories.
On this blog we frequently applause Israel, it is the only real democracy in its region, and even after this joke of “Arab spring” it will stay alone as a democratic country for a long time to be. Israel had been fighting terror as well as state funded terror which is the modern way Arab nations wage war, for as long as it has been in existence, and all that time has succeeded in keeping a viable democracy and a free speech policy, until now.
This is probably one of the lowest moments in Israeli history, when the parliament passes a law that forbids the public criticism of Israeli citizens actions, and in effect is a call to reduce the basic and alimentary human rights of anyone. This law is not only shameful but it also offers a glimpse into Israeli society, and it also shows that there is growing tensions between different political views, as well as the clear boycotting policy of a few of the Israeli-Jewish political left organizations.
There are, it seems, plenty of people who live within the boarders of Israel proper, who feel that the Jewish settlers are not helping the country, and that in fact they are doing their own thing for their own cause, costing a huge amount of funds to the Israeli taxpayer as well as calling for the protection of the army, mainly because these people live in an Arab Muslim area, which is hostile to them.
The attempt to silence criticism and to forbid public organizations to act against what they think and feel is wrong is barbaric and disgusting, the fact that the law passed casts a shadow over this proud country, and the only thing that is to give us some hope is that this law is already challenged by many in the Israeli society, some of whom are on the same political side as the settlers but who will not see the freedom of speech molested in this way.
And why all this on a Atheist blog? well, the reason these settlers are there is very much religious, they are religios fanatics who believe in the coming of the massayah and to bring forth his appearance believe that they should inhibit these parts of the country, on the other side you have the Muslims, who, clearly, have a very different idea of what the massayah will want, when and if he ever comes by.
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