Every now and again when I talk to someone who believes there is a god above (or below) I am surprised to discover that even though the believers do readily admit that god can be very angry at times (but for all the right reasons, he punishes those who deserve punishment, he kill young people because they are not part of his grand plan etc) they do not think that he will be ever angry at them.
The idea of god, as ridiculous as some atheists find it, is appealing to some people, but its almost always on their terms, this god can be really bad news to some people, bringing death and disease and natural catastrophes all over the place, but he needs to be loving and caring and attentive to them – always.
It is not rare to hear elderly women or men say “I have always talked to god about this… and he always listens” however even they must agree that every now and again good and true believers such as themselves get viciously attacked by disease or accidents, to find themselves in a very sad condition, only to turn again to that same god that seems to be punishing them (for whatever it might be) and talk to him about it, sometimes he makes things right.
But if just by talking to god you can make him reverse bad news, undo punishments and reconsider unleashing pain and misery upon you, why don’t everyone do it? well, most of the people do, when faced with serious problems, turn to something and ask for help – “make it go away” kind of thing, and as we know, most do not get any answer.

Next time someone tells you that god is helping him in every way, ask if he acknowledges the fact that he does the exact opposite to someone else at the same time, and that he might do the same to this poor believer in a day or two. Because if there was a god he/she/it would need to be a really sadistical and cruel being, watching all this terrible things from above, actually initiating them, and doing nothing to stop it.
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