Enjoying your day? here is something that could ruin it – for a while (but not if you are Chinese or Russian).
While the former UN president Kofi Anan prepares to leave Syria without getting any results at all news of a newly discovered massacre appear, along with video and photos of about 50 Syrians who were tortured and murdered in the last few days. The obvious suspect is the army, loyal to president Assad, who seems to continue life as usual while what is left of his army goes around and simply destroys anyone who might even be an opposition (including young girls and boys, old women and anything in between).
The brilliant diplomatic statement to respond to the accusations is “it was not us”, which may be true, however it does not seem like any other men with guns were in Homs at the time of the army’s (other) extreme violent actions of the last few weeks, in which those unfortunate 50 bodies are only a fraction of the total murder count.
If you ever asked yourself how could it have been that in the 30s’ Stalin’s soviet union killed millions and no one did a thing, later on to be followed by Nazi Germany and on to our age Rwanda genocide take a good look at what is happening in Syria for months now, and see how no one does a thing.
Here is a video from today – Viewer Discretion is Advised