It ultimately comes to this, we are used (or at least we think) to wars being the consequence of long and troubled diplomatic arguments, or the eruption of pre-existing pressure between countries or communities, the current situation is either one, and is in fact a simple extension of an ever growing sense of hostility between the West and Islam.
The current crisis (that poorly produced 14 minute teaser) had not blown up as soon as it was made public, the film was uploaded to YouTube months ago, it also did not have the same effect through out the Arab Muslim world, it started with Egypt and Libya, only to be slowly followed by other countries. It is not by chance that the two “champions” of protests were Egypt and Libya, those two countries that toppled a regime and quickly formed religious governance.
The players here are moving their blocks now, the repeated attacks of Islam upon the way that Western civilizations manage their citizens liberties have now reached a boiling point, but do not mistake this current demonstrations as just a violent way to simply try and land blows on the US or Europe, it is all done in the name of faith, of defending Islam from non believers, the nationality or continental support of the so called crime (of expressing ones opinion on any matter) has nothing to do with any of that.
Even the news that the actual producer of the film is an Egyptian Copt did not calm down the Cairo protestors, even though this is one of them (well, he is a copt) and not an American infidel, did not make the mob turn to its own streets, amazingly the riots continue – with the same target in mind.
The last statement president Obama made about Egypt is that important one of all, Egypt is not an ally of the U.S. and not considered an enemy, he said, Egypt is walking on that thin line between being a full blown enemy of the West and just being not friendly.
The president probably did not want to say these things, not after he had fully supported the Muslim brotherhood campaign in Egypt, but was left no real choice when twits from the US Cairo embassy met ones of the official brotherhood site, where the english tweets were comforting and peaceful and on the same time the arabic tweets and site content encouraged the riots and glorified the violent demonstrations.