The year is 2012, and on a internet web site the same old news from 1,349 pop back up, as if by the force of time travel we are once again in the days where Jews were hurled into bonfires to please the gods and stop the black plague – it did not work well for Europe back then, although it did diminish the number of Jews living in it significantly.
Can you believe this god damn piece of garbage – this site posts?

Here is the story – an Israeli basketball player posts a quick note on his Facebook wall, he is cynical and clearly making a joke – “this is nothing like celebrating the passover with mazots dipped in the blood of christian children…mmm…”, it is obvious the this basketball player is a little ignorant as to the story line of the blood libel, in which Jews make the mazzah from the blood and not dip it. And now this worthless site quotes the player as if to say “finally, after 2,000 years we have a fully pledged confession!” – well played, reports of “Kavaz center”, don’t hold your breath for the Pulitzer nomination.
So, this “humor” type of note is now turned into the desperately sort after smoking gun of these Christ lovers (opposing the killing of Christian children), and they also quote the responses to it, only they lie while doing so. The responses are in the same cynical spirit as the original post, some are simply saying “lol”, one says he prefers the scientology or bahain blood, the others simply take it for the joke it is.
But for some reason this has been turned into “Jews admit ritual consumption” oh REALLY?
Moving into the front page of this web site (which ironically states “fact and news” on its front – should rather be “trolling Facebook pages in search of philosophical truth”) it becomes suddenly clear that these people are indeed working relentlessly for the Islamic cause, and – surprise surprise, have not much favor to gran the west or Christians…
Is it a surprise that blood libels are still around? that “journalists” are looking for prof of it or that people read and believe it? not really. Not as long as religion will tell us that one is superior to the other, and that one mans holy book is wicked and anther is holy this will persist. We should be grateful we can see this in action and see how poorly these ignorant bigots make their stand, by quoting a basketball players joke on Facebook.