The crowds in Tahrir square could not wait any longer, they wondered why it has been delayed so many times and why it took so long to declare the winner of the elections, the army simply tried to buy time and think things over before it gives up its powers to a man that represents a party which will probably never surrender its powers without a bloody fight.
In this end Egypt is the first country to establish a Muslim brotherhood state, one that is governed with the harsh guidelines of religion and nothing else, one that will minimize its peaceful commitments to Israel or move one inch further and go into open hostility against it. This country is now fast headed into the forming of Sharia law, meaning further chaos and misery to its millions of Christian copts and secular population.
The nightmare has now turned full circle, the former president Mubarak is in bed, brain dead, he too must feel the amazement of many, to see the party of god, who served as an active past of the assassination of the president before Mubarak and has been a unlawful and violent group ever since it was formed is now controlling the country.
As the situation in Syria quickly develops into a Sunni Al Queda struggle against the Sh’ia Bashar Al-Assad it is only a question of time until the Muslim brotherhood will present itself as the natural leader of the Syrian majority and the new political wing of Al-Queda, in the long fight to establish the new caliphate.
All those non religious Egyptians who so bravely participated in the “revolution” now feel the heat of the African summer, soon they will be persecuted and charged, with utter disregard to their part in the play, for the parties of god are now holding the keys, and they will not give it back any time soon.
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