The news from Pakistan is so ridiculous that we did not even know if to post this or not, however it looks like this is getting so much attnetion that someone needs to speak on behalf of the non believers.
Cutting to the chase, Pakistan wants to ban the use of certain “offensive” words from use on mobile phones, needlessly to say these are words someone in Pakistan finds offensive, because just the idea of not letting people speak particular words is so “1984” that even a stone age thinker might find himself seriously objecting to the idea, somehow this passes in Pakistan.
“Jesus Christ” made it to the list without effort, see, some in Pakistan believe that just saying those words is offensive. And one needs to imagine what would they do if tomorrow a couple of countries will declare Bambi as their god they will ban that word as well, flexing the boarder of their sensitivity to the boundaries of other nations imagination.
Why “Athlete’s foot” is offensive I do not know, it sure is offensive to someone sleeping in the same room/tent/car with a person with this condition, however once again we remember the keen fondness of Muslims around the world to pass critical judgment on those who are simply born a certain way or are afflicted with a certain condition, even athlete feet.