I found this question on Yahoo! Answers (The UK edition), its got a best answer, rated by other users, however its make you think… to think of Atheism as something that is natural and will ultimately reach your kids, wife, neighbors and friends is kind of cool.
Its all true, letting the one god idea go the same way the multiple gods went is only reasonable to expect, and since this already happened we know that sometime, maybe not so soon, almost everyone will realize that we do not need the idea of the men made god.
The nice shift is that “believers” or actually ones who follow a god are now so well informed about Atheism that they have an agenda of pushing this information as far as possible from their kids, because even they realize that once the idea lands… it takes over.
With all the wars, violence, anger and hate religions spread in this world would it not be a great day when everyone will just let god go?
Here is the answer –
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