Oh, for the love of god, don’t touch the vegetables!
Its good to see how much time religious leaders take to be inspired by very old pornographic ideas, and much more – to see how they react to that. So some religious person in Cairo just found out that a couple of vegetables can seem, to a very juvenile and hormonal filled mind, resemble the male penis form and from here, well, it is really unfair to attack this religion over and over again for being stuck in a mind set of the stone age.
So god almighty, this perfect and wonderful being, who loves those who believe in him but wants all the rest to part from their heads, created some humble and honest vegetables and some nasty sexy vegetables to see if the human females would try and use them as replacements for the real thing – which is in no shortage in the world.
The sexually repressed nation of Islam can not help but obsessing about females trying to break free from the stone age restraints and making love – even to vegetables, it is no wonder that they cover their women from top to bottom and lock them in houses. With that kind of treatment it will be no wonder if some girls turn to a relationship with cucumbers and bananas.