The world did not end on December 21st, 2012, it just kept spinning around the sun (and itself) the good old way it has been doing for a long, long time. Those who took this “prophesy” seriously must have been pretty disappointed only to be really happy to find out they got more time to find a new end of the world scenario in which everyone dies etc. etc.
For those keeping an eye on this whole thing one thing became clear as the days to December 21st came closer, and that was that the actual living decedents of the Mayan culture put up a serious effort to distance themselves from the doomsday approach and were more than happy to tell anyone who would listen that the fact that the calendar ends is just that – and never was more than that.
So who injected this sense of impending doom to an ancient calendar expiration date? Would it be too big a surprise to find out that it was the good folks of the west that quickly connected the dots?
We try and have a sense of control on our lives, and the more desperate ones go to great lengths to invent catastrophes only to have a sense of knowing of them in advance, its still a huge waste of time and resources, just imagine how much could have been done instead of the pointless debate on the Mayan 2012 Calendar end.