If you have the good luck of being born in a free and democratic country you should be very happy, these days the people of Syria are learning just how hard it is to live under the rule of oppressive minority, and they learn this the hard way, all alone with no one to do anything for them, this is how the world is today.
The few weak words that the UN, European parliament, and especially the U.S.A. with its Nobel peace prize president who’s foreign policy is so disastrously wrong that he is driving the whole of the middle east into a frenzy of revolutions and oppression, the few words they release to the world media every couple of days, while the death toll is increasingly rising in every corner of Syria do not help anyone.
Even the Syrian citizen has now realized that no one cares for him, not his ruling elite class of the Alawi, not the Iranian regime with its humanistic approach (they sent the Cannes Film Festival a note of solidarity with the Nazi, foolish, statements of director Von Trier), not the Europeans that will happily go to war for their supply of natural gas but will not speak a word about thousands killed, and of course Mr. Obama who is much more interested in drinking beer in Ireland than to confront the evil doing of Syrian leaders and their patrons the Iranians.
And still these couragoues people go out to the streets and demonstrate, the call out for freedom, for liberty, for the basic and fundamental human rights and for democracy, to end oppression and for equal opportunity, but no one cares.
Shame on us all.
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