As you probably saw in the last post I’m starting to add some of Sam Harris’s wisdom to the site. I am personally in debt to Mr. Harris for helping me into the final stage of Atheism and rejection of (mostly) organized religions. One of the videos that focused on Harris thoughts toward Islam starts with him saying something like “no one of us is currently losing sleep over the Amish…”, and to be honest he’s spot on, I absolutely lose sleep over Islam. Now lets be clear about this, some other religions have been, or have the potential to be, as dangerous as Islam, unfortunately its not the only bad boy on the block, however this belief system should worry anyone who is proud and happy of the modern western life as they are, and is enjoying the personal freedom that they so willingly give to any citizen of the western world.
In the next few weeks I will try and bring forward issues that are reflecting the issue with Islam today, and how this very relevant news items should serve as an alarm to anyone who has not yet realized that religion is something that can be used as an excuse to celebrate a peaceful holiday or two but nothing more. Beyond the evident clash with (mostly) the Western world Islam is not a whole group religion as it is also has internal forces who fight each other with the same, if not more, passion and hate.
One last thing, this is an atheist blog, so there is no point or reason to dive into the full issue of Islam in modern times, and this religion is not more objectionable than some others, however it looks like there is a lot of sense into looking how can Islam change our lives today if the radical religious succeed in their current crusade.