A 13 year old girl went through the infamous female circumcision operation and died as a result in Egypt, where many still practice this barbaric offensive way to control and oppress female sexuality. Even though this is not something that is directly expressed in the teaching of Islam it is a direct offspring of the attitude towards females in the Muslim world, where it is expected for females to “carry” the responsibility for the family’s honor with their sexuality.
There is no surprise when these young girls die from complications of surgery or low standards of medicine practiced by many in the Muslim world, but it is still astonishing that Egypt did not educate its citizens better, so they could avoid this stone age thinking and barbaric rituals that are predominantly practices that males use to control females.
The shocked family of the teenager did not expect this “routine” surgery to end like this, if they could take this back they would, but tragically this damage can not be repaired. The real tragedy here is that while many are physically hurt from this un-neccecary process all the victims of female circumcision remain forever crippled sexually by it – that is the whole purpose of the circumcision.
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